461 research outputs found

    An Intelligent Approach to Automatic Query Formation from Plain Text using Artificial Intelligence

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    Man have always been, inherently, curious creatures. They ask questions in order to satiate their insatiable curiosity. For example, kids ask questions to learn more from their teachers, teachers ask questions to assist themselves to evaluate student performance, and we all ask questions in our daily lives. Numerous learning exchanges, ranging from one-on-one tutoring sessions to thorough exams, as well as real-life debates, rely heavily on questions. One notable fact is that, due to their inconsistency in particular contexts, humans are often inept at asking appropriate questions. It has been discovered that most people have difficulty identifying their own knowledge gaps. This becomes our primary motivator for automating question generation in the hopes that the benefits of an automated Question Generation (QG) system will help humans achieve their useful inquiry needs. QG and Information Extraction (IE) have become two major issues for language processing communities, and QG has recently become an important component of learning environments, systems, and information seeking systems, among other applications. The Text-to-Question generation job has piqued the interest of the Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural Language Generation (NLG), Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), and Information Retrieval (IR) groups as a possible option for the shared task. A text is submitted to a QG system in the Text-to-Question generation task. Its purpose would be to create a series of questions for which the text has answers (such as a word, a set of words, a single sentence, a text, a set of texts, a stretch of conversational dialogue, an inadequate query, and so on)

    Analysis of Deep-Fake Technology Impacting Digital World Credibility: A Comprehensive Literature Review

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    Deep-Fake Technique is a new scientific method that uses Artificial-Intelligince to make fake videos with an affect of facial expressions and coordinated movement of lips. This technology is frequently employed in a variety of contexts with various goals. Deep-Fake technology is being used to generate an extremely realistic fake video that can be widely distributed to promote false information or fake news about any celebrity or leader that was not created by them. Because of the widespread use of social media, these fraudulent videos can garner billions of views in under an hour and have a significant impact on our culture. Deep-Fakes are a threat to our celebrities, democracy, religious views, and commerce, according to the findings, but they can be managed through rules and regulations, strong company policy, and general internet user awareness and education. We need to devise a process for examining such video and distinguishing between actual and fraudulent footage

    An Effective Service Mechanism to Achieve Low Query Latency along with reduced Negative Acknowledgement in iVANET: An Approach to Improve Quality of Service in iVANET

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    The Internet Based vehicular ad hoc network (iVANET) combines a wired Internet and vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) for developing a new generation of ubiquitous communicating. The Internet is usually applied in vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) solution whereas ad hoc networks are used in vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication. Since vehicular networks is characterized by High speed dynamically changing network topology The latency is one of the hot issues in VANET which is proportional to the source-&-remote vehicle distance and the mechanism involved in accessing source memory. If the distance between data source and the remote vehicle is wittily reduced by using redefined caching technique along with certain cache lookup mechanism, the latency is likely to be reduced by a significant factor in iVANET. This paper studies and analyzes various cache invalidation schemes including state of art ones and come with a novel idea of fructifying network performance within the purview of query latency and negative acknowledgement in iVANET. In this paper the roles of the mediatory network component are redefined with associative service mechanism which guarantees reduced query latency as well as minimizes negative acknowledgements in iVANET environment

    Porcupine burrow distribution in relation to soil types in Sarawak, Malaysia

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    Although porcupines are reported to be relatively widespread in forests and cultivated areas in Malaysia, there is no published information on their roost site preferences. The objective of this study was to determine if porcupines (Hystrix brachyuraand Hystrix crassispinis) select particular soil types in which to construct burrows in Sarawak. Seven porcupine burrow locations in the Bintulu-Miri area of Sarawak with a total of 30 burrow holes were located. The burrow locations were marked using the Global Positioning System and overlaid with maps of the soil series in Sarawak to determine the relationship between the burrow location, soil type and soil series. The porcupines were found to inhabit areas where the soils were from the Merit/Bekenu soil series. Merit soil series show an increased clay content with moderate to well drained soil, while the Bekenu soil series is defined as well drained with good permeability. The results suggest that the porcupines prefer soils that are relatively easy to excavate but at the same time provide burrow stability. This suggests that the soil profile of the landscape can be used to predict the probability of the presence of porcupines in the area

    Impact of Deepfake Technology on Digital World Authenticity: A Review

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    Deep fake technology is an emerging technology that creates fake videos by using artificial intelligence (AI) with the facial expression and lips sing effect. Deep fake technology is widely used in different scenarios with different objectives. Deep fake technology is used to make a highly realistic fake video that can be widely used to spread the wrong information or fake news by regarding any celebrity or political leader which is not created by them. Due to the high impact of social media, these fake videos can reach millions of views within an hour and create a negative impact on our society. This technology can be used by criminals to threaten society by making such deep fake (AI) videos. The results suggest that deepfakes are a threat to our celebrities, political system, religious beliefs, and business, they can be controlled by rules and regulations, strict corporate policy and awareness, education, and training to the common internet users. We need to develop a technology that can examine such types of video and be able to differentiate between real and fake video. Government agency also needs to create some policy to regulate such technology so that monitoring and controlling the use of this AI technology can be managed

    Model Penegakan Hukum Tindak Pidana Pemilu di Provinsi Aceh yang Berkeadilan

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    Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk menjelaskan sebab penegakan hukum tindak pidana pemilu di Provinsi Aceh belum berkeadilan dan model penegakan hukum tindak pidana pemilu di Provinsi Aceh yang berkeadilan. Kajian ini menjadi perlu oleh karena pelaksanaan pemilu yang selama ini dilaksanakan dianggap masih belum berjalan dengan baik, sehingga diperlukan perbaikan dalam segala lini terkait dengan pelaksanaan tersebut. Data di dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan, data yang diperoleh akan dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor utama yang menyebabkan penegakan hukum tindak pidana pemilu tidak berkeadilan adalah kurangnya sinergi antara lembaga penegak hukum yang duduk di Gakkumdu, masih ada Pasal yang multi tafsir dan singkatnya waktu dalam penanganan tindak pidana pemilu sehingga sulit mencari bukti maupun saksi. Model penegakan hukum yang dilakukan adalah Panwaslih Provinsi Aceh melakukan Rakernis dengan Panwaslih Kabupaten/Kota dalam rangka mematangkan persiapan pembentukan Sentra Gakkumdu di jajaran Pengawas Pemilu dan melakukan evaluasi terhadap kinerja yang sudah dilakukan guna meningkatkan optimalisasi penegakan hukum tindak pidana pemilu meskipun di dalam pelaksanaannya masih saja terdapat persepsi yang berbeda terhadap ketentuan yang ada

    Exp-Function Method for Duffing Equation and New Solutions of (2+1) Dimensional Dispersive Long Wave Equations

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    In this paper, the general solutions of the Duffing equation with third degree nonlinear term is obtain using the Exp-function method. Using the Duffing equation and its general solution, the new and general exact solution with free parameter and arbitrary functions of the (2+1) dimensional dispersive long wave equation are obtained. Setting free parameters as special values, hyperbolic as well as trigonometric function solutions are also derived. With the aid of symbolic computation, the Exp-function method serves as an effective tool in solving the nonlinear equations under study. Key words: Exp-function method; Duffing equation; Exact solutions; Nonlinear evolution equation

    Observation on void formed in oxide scale of Fe-Cr-Ni alloy at 1073K in dry and humid environments

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    Void formation in oxide scale during high temperature oxidation is a common phenomenon. Over a long period of time voids will affect the mechanical property of scales by influencing the cracking and spalling. Voids formed in dry environment are different than that of formed in humid environment. With the presence of water vapor in humid environment the formation of void will increase, thus greater number of void compared to that in dry environment. Fe-Cr-Ni alloy samples were exposed isothermally at 1073 K in air (P_(O_2)= 0.21atm = 2.1 x? 10 5 Pa) and humid (air + steam) environments. XRD analysis done to all samples confirms that Fe2O3, Fe3O4, NiCr2O4, FeCr2O4, Cr2O3 and NiO phases exist in the scale. EDX analysis done shows varying compositions of Fe,Cr,Ni and O in outer and inner oxide scale, oxide scale/metal interface and metal. Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) was used to investigate voids formed in the cross sections of the oxidized samples. Volume fraction of voids in the oxide scale was calculated in accordance to the cross sectional area fraction of voids in the scale. It shows that Fe-Cr-Ni alloy samples exposed in humid environment has as high as 71% more voids than that exposed in dry environment. It is concluded that the humid environment increased the number of void formed in the oxide scale, thus facilitates the exfoliation of protective scale during the high temperature oxidation

    Stabilized Leachate Treatment Using Aerated Electrocoagulation to Reduce Ammonia Nitrogen and Colour Removal: -

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    Landfill leachate is considered dangerous as it contains countless pollutants. Untreated landfill leachate will damage groundwater resources, the environment and human health. An appropriate treatment is necessary to treat leachate to prevent harm to the environment and humans. The objective in this research is to determine the optimum aerated electrocoagulation under the influence of current density, pH of leachate and aeration rate for ammonia nitrogen and colour removal. The efficiency of removal ammonia nitrogen and colour were compared with Environmental Quality (Control of pollution from solid wastewater transfer station and landfill) Regulation 2009. This research used leachate from Simpang Renggam Sanitary Landfill. In this experiment two electrodes of aluminium and ferum at anode and cathode respectively were used. The highest removal percentage were obtained at 84.93% and 58.82% for the colour and ammonia nitrogen at 200 A/m2 of current density, 1.0 L/min of aeration rate and pH 5. The removal value was still insufficient to fit the environment quality standard. However, to meet the environmental quality standard, integration with other treatments method is suggested